INOVIQ Annual Report 2024

Entity type Trustee, partner or participant in joint venture Body corporates Tax residency Entity name Place formed or Incorporated % of share capital held Australian or foreign Foreign jurisdiction INOVIQ Limited Body corporate n/a Australian N/A Australian(i) N/A Sienna Cancer Diagnostics Limited Body corporate n/a Australian 100% Australian(i) N/A Melbourne Diagnostics Pty Ltd Body corporate – non operating n/a Australian 100% Australian N/A INOVIQ Inc. Body corporate n/a USA 100% Foreign USA (i) This entity is part of a tax consolidated group under Australian taxation law, for which INOVIQ Limited is the head entity BASIS OF PREPARATION This Consolidated Entity Disclosure Statement (CEDS) has been prepared in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 and includes required information for each entity that was part of the consolidated entity as at the end of the financial year. CONSOLIDATED ENTITY This CEDS includes only those entities consolidated as at the end of the financial year in accordance with AASB 10 Consolidated Financial Statements (AASB 10). Determination of Tax Residency Section 295 (3A) of the Corporations Act 2001 defines tax residency as having the meaning in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. The determination of tax residency involves judgment as there are currently several different interpretations that could be adopted, and which could give rise to a different conclusion on residency. In determining tax residency, the consolidated entity has applied the following interpretations: AUSTRALIAN TAX RESIDENCY The consolidated entity has applied current legislation and judicial precedent, including having regard to the Tax Commissioner’s public guidance. FOREIGN TAX RESIDENCY Where necessary, the consolidated entity has used independent tax advisers in foreign jurisdictions to assist in its determination of tax residency to ensure applicable foreign tax legislation has been complied with. PARTNERSHIPS AND TRUSTS Australian tax law does not contain specific residency tests for partnerships and trusts. Generally, these entities are taxed on a flow-through basis so there is no need for a general residence test. There are some provisions which treat trusts as residents for certain purposes but this does not mean the trust itself is an entity that is subject to tax. Additional disclosures on the tax status of partnerships and trusts have been provided where relevant. Consolidated Entity Disclosure Statement 62 INOVIQ Limited