INOVIQ Annual Report 2024

Financial Report 10 INTANGIBLE ASSETS AND GOODWILL As at 30 June 2024 $ As at 30 June 2023 $ Intellectual property Patents – at cost 289,034 275,536 Accumulated amortisation (55,376) (40,013) 233,658 235,523 Trademarks at cost 40,287 40,287 Purchased intellectual property hTERT 2,896,772 2,896,772 Accumulated amortisation (858,993) (804,061) Accumulated impairment (1,790,842) (1,790,842) 246,937 301,869 Molecular NETS 15,686,495 15,686,495 Accumulated amortisation (3,223,261) (2,330,680) Accumulated impairment (4,431,828) (4,431,828) 8,031,407 8,923,987 SubB2M 1,150,000 1,150,000 Per Statement of Financial Position 9,702,289 10,651,666 Goodwill on acquisition Goodwill on acquisition of Sienna 13,919,779 13,919,779 Accumulated impairment (13,919,779) (13,919,779) Per Statement of Financial Position – – 9,702,289 10,651,666 Class of Intangible Asset Amortisation Rate Patents 6.4% - 9.5% straight line hTERT 15.36% straight line Molecular NETS 9.07% straight line SubB2M asset useful life and resulting amortisation is still to be determined. 49 Annual Report 2024