INOVIQ Annual Report 2024

Risk Explanation Government and Regulatory Factors The diagnostic and therapeutic industry is regulated in Australia, the United States, Europe and other countries in which INOVIQ may conduct business operations or seek to commercialise its products. INOVIQ has not yet formally engaged with the TGA (Australia), FDA (USA), Notified Bodies (Europe) and other regulatory authorities to establish the optimal regulatory pathway/s and clinical study plans for its diagnostic or therapeutic products in key jurisdictions. While INOVIQ is not aware of any reason why its cancer diagnostic and therapeutic pipeline products would not be able to advance to clinical stage, INOVIQ cannot guarantee that this will occur in a timely manner or at all. Additionally, INOVIQ may fail to gain marketing or regulatory approval in Australia, the US, EU, or other jurisdictions for its cancer diagnostic and/or therapeutic products. INOVIQ will be subject to the laws and regulations of Australia and each country in which it operates. Any amendment to existing legislation or regulations in countries where INOVIQ operates and plans to operate may adversely affect INOVIQ’s business operations. Any actual or alleged breach of such legislation or regulation could result in INOVIQ being subject to remedial actions, such as product recalls, or penalties, or litigation, which may be more stringent than those in Australia. Additionally, following commercialisation of any INOVIQ products (which may not occur), INOVIQ will be subject to the laws and regulations concerning the post market surveillance of medical device products in the market. Changes in government legislation and policy in those jurisdictions in which INOVIQ operates or plans to operate, in particular changes in taxation, royalties, compliance with environmental regulations, export, workplace health and safety, chain of responsibility, intellectual property, customs, tariffs, franchising and competition laws, may affect the future earnings, asset values and the relative attractiveness of investing in INOVIQ. Furthermore, INOVIQ operates in foreign jurisdictions where business may be affected by changes implemented by foreign governments. Manufacturing Production Risks Production of antibodies, proteins, exosomes, other test reagents or final diagnostic or therapeutic products for INOVIQ such as its hTERT, SubB2M, EXO-NET or therapeutic exosome products should be a low risk undertaking for an experienced and capable manufacturer. Nevertheless, there is some risk that batches manufactured for sale do not pass acceptance testing or are rejected for quality control reasons, leading to an inability to supply reagents or products to the market. Healthcare Insurers and Reimbursement In both domestic and foreign markets, sales of products are likely to depend in part upon the availability and amounts of reimbursement from third party healthcare payer organisations, including government agencies, private healthcare insurers, self-insured employee plans and other healthcare payers such as health maintenance organisations. In most major markets, there is considerable pressure to reduce the cost of healthcare. No assurance can be given that reimbursement will continue to be provided by such payors at all, or without substantial delay, or that reimbursement amounts will be sufficient to enable the Company to sell products developed on a profitable basis. Special Reputational Risks Any INOVIQ products that are successfully commercialised will be marketed in an industry where a product failure could have serious consequences. Any product failure, product recall or product liability claim is likely to disrupt INOVIQ’s business operations and may cause reputational harm by leading medical professionals and other consumers to doubt product accuracy, safety or quality, adversely impacting INOVIQ’s financial performance. Additionally, any negative news or controversies about the diagnostics or therapeutics industry, exosomes, cancer diagnostic or therapeutic products or INOVIQ may impact INOVIQ’s reputation and/or the market acceptance of its products. Foreign Exchange Risk INOVIQ’s financial reports are prepared in AUD. However, INOVIQ earns revenues denominated in USD and incurs expenditure denominated in USD. INOVIQ does not currently hedge against movements in foreign exchange rates. Any adverse movements in currencies against the AUD could adversely impact INOVIQ’s financial performance and position. ASX Listing ASX imposes various listing obligations on INOVIQ which must be complied with on an ongoing basis. While INOVIQ must comply with its listing obligations, there can be no assurance that the requirements necessary to maintain the listing of INOVIQ’s securities on the securities exchange operated by ASX, will continue to be met or will remain unchanged. Directors’ Report continued 22 INOVIQ Limited